Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Lipitor Ad

The makers of this ad are not being "irresponsible" in any way. I mean, they obviously shouldn't have addressed the man in the commercial as Doctor, seeing as he isn't one, but the rest of the information in the ad is accurate. The only thing that even might be a problem here is that they called him a Doctor. I don't think they should have done that, but it doesn't mean the ad needs to be pulled. He simply says he is a Doctor. It's not like he's doing open heart surgery. This is no more than an example of an advertising strategy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pepsi Justin Timberlake Superbowl Commerical

This commercial was mad by Pepsi and its target audience was pretty obvious. Teens, specifically teen girls . The commerial uses a variety of techniques to attract its target audience. One of the most obvious ones is that the commercial stars justin timberlake. Other than that, the general mood of the commercial is teen-oriented. The humor featured in the commercial is just slapstick joke after slapstick joke. Celebrities and simple humor are combined to target teens in an effective way.