Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Advertising... and ME!!!

I have been affected by advertising for as long as I can remember. Even before I was aware of advertising my parents would dress me in clothes with brand names and logos on them. Now that I can better understand advertising though, I think I am better at filtering it. Thesedays, I honestly don't think my wants, desires, and purchases are affected by advertising that much. However, I could be wrong. I know that I have friends who are affected by ads A LOT and have absolutely no idea. Daniel Szwerc makes it a personal holiday every time a new Apple ad comes out. I know people whose lives are consumed by advertising and I don't think I am like that at all. I always try to look at ads subjectively. But in the end some ads don't get filtered! With the constant barrage of ads in America today sometimes you don't even know you're being advertised to. I do what I can.

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